Thursday, March 7, 2013

horton, here's a hallelujah

it has been dr. seuss week at pickle's school this week. in her class they have a stuffed horton. each day the kids earn stickers for doing good things. if they get five stickers, they get to bring horton home for the night.

when i picked caroline up on monday, she looked like she was on the verge of tears. not tantrum tears, like actual heartbroken tears. her best friend annie got five stickers first. annie forgot to bring him back so no one got to bring it home on tuesday. her friend cole got to bring it home yesterday. she seemed ok with it until we got home. then she broke down. i know she needs to be able to deal with disappointment but it just breaks my heart.

i was so happy to see horton waiting on top of her cubby tonight. yay. no more heartbreak.

very happy

horton has a fun car ride home

she read him his book

she showed him how to use the ipad

and brought him to story time

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