Thursday, April 11, 2013

consistently proficient

we had Q's parent/teacher conference on monday.  we assumed everything was going ok, because we hadn't heard otherwise, but given how the year started we also weren't taking anything for granted.

on his report card in december, he was pretty much "not yet proficient" and "not yet consistent" across the board, except for math and a couple of the easier language arts ones.  the teacher's comments were:

"quentin is disruptive in class; lacks self confidence."

this time, it was like a whole new kid.  he did so well.  i'm still a little shocked.  he's now proficient in everything except for penmanship and identifying position/direction words (whatever the heck that means.) 

and almost all of his social skills are now consistent (save for "stays focused on task" and "works independently", forgivable seeing as how he does still have ADHD.

he's met almost every threshold he needs to meet by the end of the school year, so he'll be going to first grade!!

amazingly all this progress was made after he got expelled from the stupid daycare. hmmmm....

1 comment:

JoyceTheMom said...

Sounds like expulsion was the best thing that could have happened to him! Wonder how many other children over the years have had to *pay the price* of having been in that same daycare class...... I'm sure Q wasn't the 1st one who had difficulty there!