Tuesday, June 4, 2013

#1 fan

we are hitting the monster jam path of destruction again this year, this coming saturday in baltimore and the next in east rutherford, nj.

Q is sooooooo excited. 

he desperately wants to be on tv.  we have really good seats in baltimore so there's a decent chance of that happening.  he wants to make signs.  he also plans to make a drawing with all 16 trucks on it, so we can circle which trucks win.

we also get a "private" meet and greet with the drivers because of our sweet seats.  over the weekend i made an autograph book on snapfish.  i made a page for each truck that will be there comprised of a bunch of photos we have taken at the roughly 16 monster jam events we've been to over the years.  it's cool to see the kids grow up in front of the trucks.  i honestly can't believe he's still so obsessed.

so excited.  so cute.

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