Wednesday, August 28, 2013

dirty little secret

don't tell anyone, but Q loves sofia the first.

he and caroline have been watching it on the ipad every day. a couple of days ago Q was in the kitchen with me and heard the first strains of the sofia theme song coming from the living room. he did a tiger-woods-landing-a-birdie arm pump and bolted for the living room. so stinkin' sweet.

but then later he instructed me, "you can't tell my friends that i like sofia. they will think i'm a baby."

oops. just told the whole interweb.

1 comment:

KBard said...

SO he enjoys watching a pretty girl on the tv? sounds normal. Logan watches her. Heck, i was giving Logan a bath and Matt was watching it. Like standing in the living room because hes glued to the tv watching it.