Monday, September 9, 2013

silly guy

the kids crack me up.  they have progressed to the point where they now legitimately play with each other.  they concoct and play out elaborate scenarios, playing dress-up or kitchen or superheros.

over the weekend, they introduced us to a fun new game, silly guy.

from the living room, we could hear giggling and conspiring coming from the playroom.  caroline came strutting out into the living room with a microphone, closing the door behind her.  in her very best announcer voice she announced, "ladies and gentleman, boy and girls, i am proud to announce... silly guy!"

at which point Q came busting out of the playroom, doing a silly dance, wearing a madagascar 3 circus wig and a lone ranger eye mask.

they both dissolved in giggles and retreated back to the playroom for the next iteration.  they repeated this several times, with Q modeling butterfly wings, princess shoes, and other assorted dress-up accessories.


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