Monday, October 7, 2013


now that Q is exposed to more "big" kids at before/after care and on the bus, he has been developing new interests based on their interests.  he desperately wants a nintendo DS for christmas because the big kids have them, though i am pretty sure he wouldn't have a clue how to use it.

he has also become interested in pokemon (as evidenced by his asking the tooth fairy for pokemon cards) and has developed quite a little collection.

 after he finished his homework, he wanted me to play a game of pokemon with him.

he does not know the rules, nor do i so i can't even teach him, but he mimics the big kids in the cutest way  as we each lay down a card from our hand to "battle", he carefully examines each of them, pretending he can read them, and then makes a determination on who wins (almost always him.)  he always gives some inane reason why one beat the other.  i love it.

pure mimicry.  pure, adorable mimicry.

1 comment:

Leah said...

Get him the 3DS. Calder loves his more than me. Plus, Pokemon games. Oh and you can find the Pokemon movies pretty cheap. They are actually not that bad? And I maybe owned some before I had kids?