Tuesday, December 2, 2014

play don't

they've been watching these stupid videos on youtube where adults open up various kids' toys and talk about them. play doh is a favorite topic on this one particular youtube channel for some unknown reason, so now both kids are super into play doh.

i loved play doh as a kid but holy cow do i dislike it now. it is everywhere. squishy little fluorescent pebbles smushed in my carpets, on my couch, just everywhere. 

i secretly hope they will forget to put it away, so it will dry out and i can toss it.

1 comment:

KBard said...

Logan LOVES those YouTube videos. He watches the playdoh ones, the disney toys ones, anything really. The hotwheels ones... My mom has playdoh at her house and I refuse it in my house right now. Emelia eats it.