Tuesday, June 19, 2007

the video

ok. anyone who has had a baby knows what i am talking about. the video. baby school continued last night with labor basics part one. the video. yeah. that. eek. overall it was a pretty good class. not really any new info as i have read the books, but a good reminder since i am thoroughly convinced that i will not know that i am in labor. at every check up my doctor asks if i've had any contractions - not as far as i know! we spent two hours covering the stages and phases of labor, looking at pictures of the tools of the trade (forceps etc.), and other general info. then the video. wow. of course it was made in the 80's so the people are just awesome. and every lady was completely naked while giving birth - no hospital gown, no nothing. i know that birth is the whole miracle of life thing but damn is it graphic. and disgusting. i have no need to see that ever again. ever.

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