Thursday, August 23, 2007

3 weeks old!

the little doodle is 3 weeks old today! he's getting huge - it's already time to loosen the straps in his car seat a bit. he's putting back 4 ounces a feeding. making it difficult to keep up with pumping. but we're doing the best we can and only supplementing formula as necessary. he keeps his eyes open much longer each day now, usually for about an hour after eating so he's got a little brightly colored toy dangling from the handle of his car seat. he can barely reach it but he just stares at it and i've even seen him grasping the very tip of it when he's sleeping. not surprising because he has very busy little hands! his social security number came in the mail today - he's legit!! now hopefully my insurance will hurry up and finish processing his application so the pediatrician can get paid! in other news, it is my turn to be sick. i don't seem to have what jeremy or my dad had but some other fun crazy virus. i have a fever and alternate back and forth between the worst chills ever and the deepest sweats ever. one minute - sweatshirt on, socks on, slippers on, burrowed in blankets, next minute dripping in sweat and have to lose all the layers and change shirts because the other one is soaked. i slept all day yesterday and the day before which i think helped. today i have been able to stay awake but the chills, sweats, and fever are still here. i really just hope quentin doesn't get sick. he's been sneezing a bit but doesn't seem to have a fever and he's not fussy. fingers crossed!

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