Wednesday, January 16, 2008

death by frozen piddle puddle?

that's got to be a new one, right? i know i am the girl who once sprained her ankle while pumping gas, but this has got to be even worse! i was carrying quentin in from the car this evening and nearly wiped out when i slipped on what i believe is a frozen piddle puddle in our driveway. fortunately a tv stand we had ordered was delivered today and the huge box was in just the right place to prevent me from falling, and to save quentin from flying through the air in his car seat. good job dogs / freezing cold temps! but thank god for delivery people who leave packages in the middle of our driveway instead of putting them on the porch! also, i think i now understand how sanjaya lasted so long on american idol last year. if there's a baby in the room screaming at the top of his lungs, one cannot easily discern who is actually a good singer and who is woefully lacking in the vocal department. i heart teething.


Leah said...

I hear ya on the Idol thing. Actually, I can't hear anything at all anymore.

Monkey said...

Sorry Kiw - that was my puddle...

crankymommy said...

Just wait till you get to molars! They're even more fun.

Jonathan said...

Just goes to show you that someone is up there looking out for us! There are no coincidences. The good news is that you and Quentin are okay. Btw, we may be getting a dog!