Friday, September 26, 2008

Tent's are for sleeping right?

A couple of nights ago, we were playing the the play area and we noticed Quentin was pretty quiet. We looked around and he had curled up with Ba-Chomp in his tent. It was very cute. He must of figured, this what you do in tent right?


Leah said...

What magic do you use to get your child to fall asleep in situ?

Calder will writhe on the floor, burying his fsace into everything and moaning until someone puts him in the crib. He is unable to make himself stop playing with stuff.

jeremy said...

That is Q's usual MO (must play no sleep) but he is known to do this from time to time when he is super tired. I think this was the night we got back from our trip where he was sleeping about 1/2 the amount he usually dose.