Sunday, April 5, 2009

working hard in the yard

it's a beautiful day here today, almost makes you think it's spring, even though you know it could still snow. while our neighbors are all out making their yards look pretty, we took Q outside to romp in the yard. within 15 seconds he found the only puddle in our yard and immediately stepped in it. thinking that was pretty awesome, he then sat down in it. once the kid is soaking wet, there's just no way he's staying clean. and then he discovered a 5 gallon pail full of water, which proved to be a more interesting toy than any of his actual toys. once he was totally soaked from head to toe, he then discovered the dirt. :) you can see our still-not-done fence in the background of some of the pics. hopefully the ground will be dry enough for them to come complete the job soon!

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