Thursday, May 14, 2009

let's get messy!

i saw this free event called "let's get messy" advertised in the newspaper. since Q is home with me on wednesdays and thursdays, we're always looking for fun stuff to do. this was run by the same people who put on the touch-a-truck a few weeks ago. i'm not sure i totally "get" their purpose. they are a government-sponsored program for people with young kids, but hey, my tax dollars are paying for it, so why not! there was only one other kiddo there, but Q still had a good time. they basically got to play in a classroom with typical toddler toys. they did circle time with some songs. and then the messy activity was banana pudding. the other kid sat there and ate his pudding quietly and cleanly. quentin, not so much. we had to keep chasing him to keep his slimy pudding hands off all the toys. too bad this was their last event until school starts back up in the fall!
i also saw another touch-a-truck advertised in another neighboring town on 5/31 - woo hoo! jeremy has to work that day, but Q and i can go and have fun!

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