Tuesday, September 22, 2009

the morning after

the doctor said that Q's face would probably look worse before it looked better. yeah. she was right. he's swollen and puffy and the bruising is starting. he doesn't even seem to notice. he keeps telling me that he has a boo-boo but then points to the scrape on his elbow that's been there for days. he happily munched on his breakfast while i snapped these pics. he wouldn't look at the camera because jack's big music show was on and i was obstructing his view :)


Jeff said...

Jack's Big Music Show? Hmm... I can hear the re-purposed lyrics already:

"Hey everybody it's my dog Mel,
And he makes my face super-swell."

kiwi said...

that is awesome! we are new to JBMS - it never used to be on when our TV was. but Q loves it. he always points out mel - "dog!"