Wednesday, December 23, 2009

6 months old!

halfy birthday caroline!
caroline turned 6 months old today! she's on the verge of a growth spurt, as evidenced by her general pudginess. and more teeth are coming based on the amount of drooling. she loves playing with toys and grabbing anything she can get her hands on. she is enjoying the exersaucer these days. she really likes to take off her socks. she's also "talking" up a storm - with lots of "bababababa, mamamama, dadadada" all day long. she's very busy and very nosy. she always wants to know what's going on, and you can just tell she can't wait to be able to keep up with her brother. and she's LOVING rice cereal so far. she grabs the spoon right out of your hand and puts it in her mouth. she even took a nap today in her crib. caroline is a never-nap. she sleeps super soundly all night long in her crib - like 10-12 hours. but she is usually not interested in napping during the day. she may fall asleep while nursing, but will wake up the minute you try to move her to her crib or even her swing. she will go to the doctor for her check-up in early january so we'll get all her stats then.

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