Tuesday, December 22, 2009

quit bugging me

earlier in the fall, we had our annual ladybug infestation. supposedly they sneak in the windows seeking a warm hideout for the winter or something. there were tons of them this year. and i have been too busy/tired/lazy to vacuum all the cute little guys from our ceilings so now they are everywhere in our house, even on the floor as some of the clumsier ones seem to fall off the ceiling. - this morning quentin found one on the living room rug and proudly held it up, exclaiming, "bug!" (this is an actual achievement because he is now distinguishing bugs and bees - they were all bees before.) - then he starting to twirl around with the bug on his finger, squealing, "bzzzzzzzzz. fwy bug fwy. bzzzzzzzzzz." - then he squished it. he is a boy after all. fortunately, i think it was already dead.

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