Saturday, July 24, 2010

#3 exists!

for the longest time, quentin would count, "one, two, nine, ten, eleven, twelve..." sometimes we would add in 5, 6, 7, and/or 8, but 3 and 4 were never part of his number set. but over the past few days, they have been added and he now consistently counts to 13 correctly. i think he thinks he's counting to 15 though, because he repeats 13 three times.


Leah said...

Holy christ, for a second I saw the title and I thought you were KTFU again. Jeezus. Think before you post.

EG said...

I'm with Leah!

It's good he can count to 3 because he's almost 3!

kiwi said...

hahaha. never even occured to me. roo3 is far, far from my mind. more important right now: obtain job, obtain permanent residence, move, find new daycare, find new doctors, find new vet...