Thursday, September 23, 2010

3 year check-up

quentin went in for his 3-year check-up a couple of weeks ago. we went to his boston-area pediatrician, since we are nowhere near settled in philly. he got a couple of shots and had a finger-prick blood draw. he barely cried because the nurse told him the band-aids were stickers and he really wanted them. his stats, which i think are totally off because Q was messing with the scale thing, making it extremely difficult for her to get a good measurement. height = 38 inches (58th percentile) weight = 37 pounds (89th percentile) after his check-up, we went to a free play at his old gym. he was very happy to see his gym teachers and play in a familiar environment. after the gym we cruised by the old house. i was worried he might flip out and want to go home. but he didn't even notice. he was too busy playing with a monster truck.

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