Sunday, September 19, 2010


so yeah, i haz one. last thursday i received a phone call from an old coworker of mine, offering me a position on his team. i will start in a contract position, while they try to escalate the case to have me hired as a full time employee (they are currently in a hiring freeze, otherwise i would already be a real employee.) he wanted me to start the next monday (i.e. last monday) and we actually figured out a way to make it work, but do to the paperwork required to get me up and running it wasn't feasible from their end. so tomorrow it is. my first real day of work since february 2009. dude.


Judy Leonard said...

Bard! This is fantastic news! Congratulations. Of course, with your mad skills, it was only a matter of time :) I hope this means you can also score on your gorgeous Philly house. I'm so happy for you guys. Way to go super mom! *Suz

Jodi said...

that's GREAT news!! good luck k -- can't wait to hear all about it!
